The last time I committed to being there started a series of unfortunate events I have yet to see the end of...
SO... this was no different...
Yesterday was the first day in 3 weeks that I could say I felt half way decent.
It turned out to be a good thing I was not busy elsewhere, as the new FamilySearch updated their site and I ventured there long enough to discover one of our children had died, unbeknownst to us!
The problem was fixed right away as the trail was fresh.
A student gets lost easily when they don't attend church services and live in apartment complexes... He was named after his grandfather who passed away a few years ago and when the missionaries called my mother-in-law asking about Richard, well... she never thought they were asking about her grandson... and told them he had passed on... And so, our son was decreed dead! He thought it was pretty funny...
The sister at the Church Membership Records Dept was extremely helpful and in no time the issue was straightened out. The question of whether or not the new FamilySearch would have that updated right away was unclear but I am happy to report that as of this morning, the Church agrees with us that our son IS alive and well, well... we hope...
I was very impressed because the sister at the Church membership Dept said it could take 2 months.
As the title said... I am 'on stand by' with the mission as I am really struggling with health issues right now. Hopefully I will be back with stories of digitization for you before you know it.
I hope you will forgive me for getting your hopes up and now letting you down.
To everything there is a season and my season of digitization will have to wait a little bit...
I'm sure we won't run out of books... (=
Until next... Happy Thanksgivings!

Dans les vallées
Au cœur saignant
Taches rouillées
Feuilles de sang,
Les feuilles mortes,
Les souvenirs
Vont en cohorte
Semblant s'unir.
Extrait de "Feuille d'automne"
Charlotte Serre